Thursday, November 17, 2011

Henry is....

Henry is drinking a whole banana yogurt shake each morning, loving the beans, putting a wooden toy horse to bed each night, not able to escape Justin Beiber (singing "baby,baby,baby ohh.. baby,baby,baby mine), also singing "baby and mama in Guatemala", running around squares and courtyards with abandon, is our international relations guru (if you ever needed to be popular in a foreign country this is the ticket), not wanting to hold hands when crossing the street, still saying "Ohwa" while waving hello, sitting in wooden high chairs at meals, saying "Mama" and "Dada" all over Antigua, smelling flowers, eating lots of papaya and pineapple.

Henry is a busy little guy and our little Guatemalan Traveler.


  1. what a delightful travel accessory! Would you consider renting Henry out?

  2. I bet he'll have as many Spanish words as he does English by the time you return. Sadie pointed and squealed at your house today - I know she is going to miss him (and you!). We are making Green Turtle Chili this weekend!

  3. Deacon says, "Everything Henry does is cute!". "It feels really weird without you guys here-- we miss you!" says Keely. I (wendy) ate the remainder of the adios shells today for lunch-- they were still yummy. Put some pix on this site-- I wanna see me a volcaney! Kisses-- wbdk
