Its 90 degrees here in Austin. Im serious. Prior to moving Daniel kept warning me "its going to be really hot during the summer." I repeatedly told thim that I knew. But, now I really know. Its hot now, its going to be REALLY hot this summer.
Henry has taken to water. This weekend we went to Uncle Christo and Aunt E-beth's lake house along with 2.5 year old cousin Lucy. It was so fun. And, such a good reminder of why its nice and comforting to have family near by. They are close family, better friends and just good people. They have a great pool and have set their hot tub to a perfect 85 degrees, making it baby friendly and pregnant-lady friendly (E-beth is about 28 weeks along). It essentially functions as the perfect baby pool. The bubbles are a hit.
Uncle Christo, Lucy and Henry in the hot tub at the Lake! |
Henry has also discovered the endless entertainment of a hose. We turn the water on to a trickle and he is a happy little dude. He chases his mom saying "Mommy wet" trying to get me drenched and when he can't reach me he drops his hose and runs his little naked body over to me and hugs by legs while laughing. So were doing naked, back yard, water play and popsicles after dinner. Its full on summer, which is totally crazy for the New Yorker in me.
Henry, taking a special interest in getting his private parts wet. |
Henry comes home from school every day reciting new songs. It goes like this "Ba ba sheep, yes sir, yes sir" or "Rock bye baby, tree top, fall down." And today the ABCs got closer to the real deal as he added in "L, M, N, O, P, some mumbo jumbo then T, U, V." It is so cute. He loves school. Friday I picked him up just as the afternoon snack was being served. His teachers asked me if I wanted it to go, I said yes and they loaded up a rice cake into a baggy. Perfect, I thought. Well, not exactly. Henry had a fit. He wanted to eat his snack at school. The ENTIRE way home he screamed and cried "school, snack, school." So needless to say I am not picking him up before snack time anymore. Similarly, on two occasions I entered the classroom to pick him up and he said "Mama out." While I didn't think that kind of thing started until the teenage years clearly he is having a great time. What more could I ask for?!
Kenny and Daniel are watching the finals (Kentucky vs. Kansas) and Im just wandering what genetic difference there is between men and women that can account for the extent to which they love it and I just think its ok. Hummmm... thats one to ponder.
So we're looking at two houses tomorrow, I'll go the gym and cook some brocolli rabe pesto pasta with italian pork meatballs tomorrow for dinner... thats whats going on round here.
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